Age 6+
hydraSense® Ultra Congestion Relief Allergy relieves nasal allergy symptoms such as nasal congestion and related sinus pressure and it is non-medicated. Trust hydraSense® to help you breathe better.
*Except Nighttime and Netirinse®.
Doctor's Recommendation About Nasal Congestion
Apply 1 spray of hydraSense® Ultra Congestion Relief Allergy in each nostril by depressing the nozzle, use up to 3 times daily, followed by blowing of the nose for desired relief.
For children over 6 years of age and adults.
Consult a doctor if cold or allergy symptoms last longer than 5 days or if symptoms worsen.
You may experience a temporary tingling sensation if mucous membranes are irritated.
100% natural-source, undiluted seawater desalinated to
30 g/L (3.0%) equivalent sodium chloride and rich in mineral salts and trace elements naturally occurring in seawater.